Saturday, June 02, 2007

I've been TAGGED!!!

By the lovely Tess, who has been at me to update my BLOG, sorry I don't seem to think I run a very exciting life that people would like to read about so here it goes:

Name three things that scare you.
Fast rides that go backwards (it makes me sick just thinking about it), snakes (any snake is a dead snake to me), Canetoads (they are just so ugly and ewww)

The daggiest thing in your music collection. Ummm THE WIGGLES (but it's the kids)

Your three favourite clothing items. Denim Cargo Shorts, my hide my spare tire tummy magic T-Shirts (lol well I think they are magic anyway) & my seam free undies (do they count as a clothing item - no I don't think so), my Pink Panther jammies!!!

Your partners most annoying habit. Oh he has lots of annoying habits, but let me say I think he has far more good qualities that out number the bad ones (love you baby - most of the time LOL) but his most annoying habit to me would have to be since he was bought up in a very proper house he is always onto the children about little things that I don't even realise like chewing with there mouth open, chewing chewing gum, shutting doors so fly's don't come in the house, crunching apples when eating them, crunching ice when eating it........ do you get the picture.

What stresses you out. I try not to stress out about the kids but I do every now and again, driving in the passenger seat with my husband I feel much safer when I am in control and at least I know I keep my eyes on the road where as he looks every other place but the road, childrens birthday parties LOL especially the sleep over ones with 6 hyperactive girls that won't go to SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!

If I could change the world I would hmmmmm... make it so there was no povety in the whole world - that everyone could be as priveledged to live in such a wonderful country like we live in Australia.

Your favourite household chore…. I hate housework especially when the kids can mess it all up in a matter of about 10 minutes, I relly have to get in the mood for housework but since I got all my new ENJO products I have been a cleaning machine and my house is sparkling!!

If you had fifty bucks to spend at Target which section would you head straight for…. Clothing section, Target have the best clothes.

In my next life I would like to come back as ….. probably ME, but this time I would have the heads up and I would do a much better job at being ME lol.

Your least favourite celebrity… I can't stand Jim Carey!

So now I think I have to tag someone so I'll tag Erica & Yvette. (thanks Tess that was Fun)



Tess said...

and now you are forgiven for not updating lol

Raechel Gribbin said...

Geez thanks Tess LOL!!

Yvette Adams said...

Cool new tag. Thanks! I'm onto it... maybe slowly tho :)