My very own brand spanking NEW CANON SLR EOS 400D Digital Camera!
I am so excited that I can't wait to take some photo's. I've been wanting to get one of theres cameras for a while and lovely hubby said I could get one (doing a happy dance here). I've only been able to have a little play with it yet & it is a little different to operate than my little point and shoot digital camera, and as it's been raining here for the past couple of days haven't been able to venture outside, but this morning it was nice & sunny and I said to the girls that I was going to take them to some spots to get some piccies and all my subjects declined the invitation and wouldn't be apart of it (it seemed that playing with there friends was far more important than there Mum getting photo's - I couldn't beleive it!) so now I will just have to read the book abit more and try and learn some of the features (it has so many buttons). Well I have been sitting here trying to add some photo's and this Blogger won't let me, so I am off to my nice warm bed. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.Raech :o)
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