The week before school finished the girls had there school disco with the Easter Theme - Sophie was the only one that wanted to dress up & she looked so cute.
but apart from that we just veged out at home - I took the girls to the movies to see 'MEET THE ROBINSONS' which I really enjoyed to LOL.

Sophie celebrated her 6th birthday on the Sunday before school went back & we had organised to have a jumping castle, we woke up on the day & it was very cloudy and didn't look promising but the skies cleared and the weather held out for the 2 hours that we had it, the kids had a absolute blast on it, the birtday girl got hit in the lip on the last 5 minutes that we had it but apart from that no other injuries thank God. I made the prettiest cake - it looked so nice I didn't want to eat it & man it tasted good to LOL... I think this is the best cake I have made yet!!

Chat soon,
Have a great weekend,
Raech :o)
RAECHEL...time to update my's now the middle of on..i dare can always talk about your precious (looney) friend who looked after you at swig!! rofl...
RAECHEL..are you there?? i have tagged you my dear LOL
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