Monday, June 18, 2007

Photoshop Course...

For 2 weeks I have been doing an on-line class with the lovely Erica Glover from the Scrapboxx on the computer progam Photoshop which I have been wanting to learn how to use for ages, I have had the time today to really sit down and have a play with all the notes that were provided, it is so fun to be able to work on something and see the results, I am very happy with my progress but still have a long way to go.
I found these photo's of Sophie that I took a couple of years ago that I just love, so I scanned them and did a collage with a border, which was some of the stuff that the notes covered - I am very impressed with the results (thanks Erica YOU ROCK) there is still so much that this program can do that I want to play with, it's quite easy once you know what you are doing and there is so much that it can do, still trying to get my head around it all! Just had to share my progress. RAECH xx


Tess said...

looking good!! you can teach me all about photoshop now LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Raech, your'e a sweetie!

Love the collage that you did - and a border too, woohoo!!! lol

E xx