Sunday, March 11, 2007


That I don't feel like doing anything but vegging out in the air-con, Sophie had a party to go to this morning & then we took the kids to the beach/park for some lunch & the beach was absolutely beautiful but I forgot to take my camera & get some photo's the water was so nice like blue then aqua and it was so calm that I was sorry that I didn't take my togs to go for a dip, but it was so hot I could feel my skin getting burnt so we are now all inside in vegging... I have a load of washing that needs to be hung out but am going to wait until at least 5pm, I want to get some gardening done but that won't be happening until well after the sun goes down.

On the scrapping front I brought a kit from
THE SCRAP HEAP last week, I'm not sure if it's once a month someone from the IT(Inspiration Team) puts together a kit and does 3 different projects you can complete with all the products needed to comlete the projects & instructions on how to complete the projects (it's a great idea) - this month the lovely CHRISSY BERRY has put together the prettiest kit, the Basic Grey papers are just so YUMMY and I completed my Mini Wooden Album and I just LOVE IT!! it looks perfect sitting on my window sill in my scrapping room.

Well I'm going to get back into some more scrapping, I just had to share - hope you are all having a fabulous weekend.

Raechel :o)

1 comment:

Tess said...

Hiya Raech,
nice bit of scrapping there my dear, I'm still waiting for Chrissy's pack, hopefully will pick it up tomorrow when i'm at the shop!!.
shame about the beach pics, but there's always next time!