I can't beleive it is the end of Term 1 already although I am really looking forward to the holidays, we aren't really going away anywhere there is so much that we need to do around the house & I have to get everything organised for Sophie's birthday next week (we are hiring a JUMPING CASTLE, which will be so much fun for the kids, I just hope it doesn't RAIN!) she absolutely loves Frangipanni's so we are going with that theme, we even found a Frangipanni Cake in one of my cake books so it will be good to have the kids home so they can help me out.

OMG!!! Is this really my 11 year old daughter, she went out tonight with her friends to the movies and asked me to straighten her hair and I couldn't beleive how grown up she looks, which made me feel really old LOL! I am so NOT READY for this Stage but it just doesn't seem to wait until you are ready & I don't think I will ever be ready - it was just a taste of the things that I have look forward to over the next LOTS of years, she is not a girly, girly at all and my other two are Girly, Girl so I think I am going to go through lots of hair products, make-up, lipgloss & all that girly stuff.....
Well I just wanted to wish everyone a SAFE & HAPPY EASTER - if you are travelling please take care on the roads and ENJOY your time with YOUR LOVED ONES... hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of choccies (I don't think he will bring me any this year as he knows I'm on a DIET, but I think I might sneak a few of the girls...... SSSSHHHHHHHH).
Raechel :o)
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