Well can you beleive that at this time last night I was laying in a hopital bed next to Sophie, how things can change in a matter of 24 hours... what started out as fun turned in one sore little girl & it all started like this... oldest DD had a friend over for the night & they were out the front filling up water bombs and playing games & during this time my brother-in-law turns up so we went inside for a chat - now I was thinking that they were just playing water bombs, but Tahlia's friend got Tahlia's electric scooter out and decided to go for a ride which was fine but it's when she asked Sophie to hop on for a double that the disaster started, & we have told the girls over & over that this is not allowed so they all felt doubly bad when it all happened but thank God it could have been alot worse & there were no broken bones or teeth knocked out - the freind got up speed & then lost control and they stacked it & the bigger girl fell onto Sophie who banged her head pretty hard on the concrete the other good thing is that all our street is concrete so her grazes weren't as bad as they could have been if it had been bitemen! So in comes Soph with blood pouring out her nose & one enourmous egg on her head, I stayed calm until she started vomiting & her eyes started rolling back in her head so we headed straight to the hospital were they admitted her & kept her in for observation for the night & she just keep vomitting which was not very nice (especially when the poor darling says: Mummy I don't like it when it comes out my nose) so I was glad that they kept her in just to keep an eye on her which meant 3 hourly ob's and when it was morning she said to me Mummy that was such a long night & how come they had to keep checking me, but PRAISE GOD there was no signs of any other problems & now just needs some very good sleep to recover which she is doing very quickly & has been eating constantly since we got home...
I sure do hope that the rest of the school holidays are a little less eventful than the last 2 days that I have had, I think I will take the girls to see HAIRSPRAY tomorrow as it's cheap day (anyone seen it? I've only heard good reports!) & then I think we are going to go camping for a few days when Steve gets home later in the week but apart from that I think I am going to make the rest of this week relatively quite.
Thanks for a the SMS'S that I had regarding Sophie your thoughts & prayers are very much appreciated.
Take Care whatever you are doing.
Raech :o)
Hope she is doing better now
Poor baby!!! Hard lesson to learn! Hope she is feel much better.
Hey...how are you?
Thanks for popping into my blog.
Poor little chicky, i hope she's feeling better soon.
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