Lately I have been creating a few scrapbooking pages, very simple one's but at least they are getting done so I thought I would share. I have been trying set aside a Wednesday that I get together & scrap with a couple of friends and normally I am very non-productive but this week I was very pleased with how much I achieved. It's been another busy week - I can't believe how fast the weeks are going before we know it it's going to be Christmas. To start of my week this week we had a bit of an event on Monday - after Steve took the girls out horse riding on Sunday they came home and on the way home in the car Madison was scratching her belly and just above her belly button she has a little scrub TICK so Steve pulled it out (I don't like things like that, I'm scratching now just typing) and told them to get in the shower and check there warm spots to see if they had any more, Sophie had on just above her ear so we got that out and that was that, but later that night Sophie woke asking me to put cream on the bite cause it was itchy but she was pointing to the other side of her ear, so at midnight I turn the light on only to find this teeny tiny tick, I got Steve up and got him to get in out except it was so tiny he got the body off but the head was still in there AGGHH so we rang the hospital to see what we should do and they said just leave it and take her to your GP in the morning, so we made and appointment and Steve took her - Thank God cause they had to give her a local anisetic and cut/scrape it out (BLAHHH) Steve said she was so brave so that's it for horse riding I think LOL. Been doing the everyday running the kids around after school to and from there dancing classes, I also got to catch up with my Aunty that I haven't seen in about 3 months it was so good to sit and chat and catch up with her. Got our poodle clipped this week, it's the first time we have had him professionally done and he looks so good, normally it takes us about 2 days to trim him where as they had him done in 2 HOURS! He looks so skinny now with all his fur gone. Tahlia is at Youth tonight doing a HIP HOP Class which looked very fun and we now have a very busy weekend with Madison having a sleepover at her friends house tomorrow night, going to another friends boys 13th Birthday with the other 2 tomorrow afternoon and then going Ten Pin Bowling, going to Church on Sunday and then catching up with another friend for lunch on Sunday then it's back to Monday again and it will be another week gone - so I hope you are having a great weekend whatever you are doing.
The pages look great, ewww on the ticks!
eeeeewww!! Rach. Pretty sure I wouldnt cope with ticks!!
Love your LOs!!
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