Monday, June 18, 2007

Photoshop Course...

For 2 weeks I have been doing an on-line class with the lovely Erica Glover from the Scrapboxx on the computer progam Photoshop which I have been wanting to learn how to use for ages, I have had the time today to really sit down and have a play with all the notes that were provided, it is so fun to be able to work on something and see the results, I am very happy with my progress but still have a long way to go.
I found these photo's of Sophie that I took a couple of years ago that I just love, so I scanned them and did a collage with a border, which was some of the stuff that the notes covered - I am very impressed with the results (thanks Erica YOU ROCK) there is still so much that this program can do that I want to play with, it's quite easy once you know what you are doing and there is so much that it can do, still trying to get my head around it all! Just had to share my progress. RAECH xx


You know when you lose the plot with your kids & then you sit back & look at the situation & feel really bad about how you handled it, well that was my morning.... I am so frustrated & I don't want to be, sometimes I just want to crawl back into bed and stay there and not deal with the everyday life stuff, silly I know, it is raining very hard, very dark and just the weather for crawling back into bed, but the day must go on... I think I just have to realize that we are all human and make mistakes (especially with our children) and start again, but sometimes I don't understand what can be so hard about getting ready for school - so this was my morning.... we all get out of bed & middle daughter informs me that she doesn't want to go to school because it's wet & cold and she just doesn't want to go... she is so hard to get motivated in the mornings... it's like Maddy get dressed, Maddy what are you having for breakfast, Maddy go get the brush so I can do your hair, Maddy brush your teeth, Maddy get your shoes and socks on, Maddy have you got your lunch, Maddy make your bed.......................... IT"S SO FRUSTRATING..................... meanwhile the other two are ready to go & we are waiting for her, well this morning I didn't say anything and when 8:30am came I went in there and said - are you ready it's time to go, then there was screaming and yelling and her telling me how mean I am and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH and now I feel like a really CRAP Mum... anyone else ever felt like that, I think that as Mothers we do so much for our children that sometimes they just expect everything but I think there comes a point where they have to take a little bit of responsibility.... RIGHT?? Hopefully tomorrow we will be a better day, and as much as they frustrate me I love them to peices - my life wouldn't be the same without them...
so on a much brighter note, my cousin had here 4th baby the other day, so yesterday the girls and I went to the hospital for a vist and they were like 3 little mothers - my cousin said ahhh look you should have had another one and sometimes I think I should have had a 4th but when I sit back and look at our 3 girls they are well and truly enough to keep me busy, but little Charlie is the cutest little thing it's enough to make anyone Clucky! I didn't even get to have a cuddle so I think I might go up today for a cuddle. Have a great day..... Raech :o)

Saturday, June 16, 2007


My very own brand spanking NEW CANON SLR EOS 400D Digital Camera! I am so excited that I can't wait to take some photo's. I've been wanting to get one of theres cameras for a while and lovely hubby said I could get one (doing a happy dance here). I've only been able to have a little play with it yet & it is a little different to operate than my little point and shoot digital camera, and as it's been raining here for the past couple of days haven't been able to venture outside, but this morning it was nice & sunny and I said to the girls that I was going to take them to some spots to get some piccies and all my subjects declined the invitation and wouldn't be apart of it (it seemed that playing with there friends was far more important than there Mum getting photo's - I couldn't beleive it!) so now I will just have to read the book abit more and try and learn some of the features (it has so many buttons). Well I have been sitting here trying to add some photo's and this Blogger won't let me, so I am off to my nice warm bed. Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

Raech :o)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Dove has taken it upon themselves to try and redress the balance...
they start the ad with a statement...
"Only 1 percent of Australian women describe themselves as looking beautiful while 30 percent of Australian women describe themselves as average looking."

PLEASE!!!!! Tell me this isnt true.
really.. this statement makes my heart ache.
Not beautiful???? YOU?????
You are, you know.

and this is why I love this campaign.. because it is all about enabling women , and girls to see how "beautiful women come in all different shapes colours and sizes," and ages too.

Raechel :o)


I was reading this over at Ngaire Bartlam's Blog and thought I would share as it is so true and I thought it was really special...

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I've been TAGGED!!!

By the lovely Tess, who has been at me to update my BLOG, sorry I don't seem to think I run a very exciting life that people would like to read about so here it goes:

Name three things that scare you.
Fast rides that go backwards (it makes me sick just thinking about it), snakes (any snake is a dead snake to me), Canetoads (they are just so ugly and ewww)

The daggiest thing in your music collection. Ummm THE WIGGLES (but it's the kids)

Your three favourite clothing items. Denim Cargo Shorts, my hide my spare tire tummy magic T-Shirts (lol well I think they are magic anyway) & my seam free undies (do they count as a clothing item - no I don't think so), my Pink Panther jammies!!!

Your partners most annoying habit. Oh he has lots of annoying habits, but let me say I think he has far more good qualities that out number the bad ones (love you baby - most of the time LOL) but his most annoying habit to me would have to be since he was bought up in a very proper house he is always onto the children about little things that I don't even realise like chewing with there mouth open, chewing chewing gum, shutting doors so fly's don't come in the house, crunching apples when eating them, crunching ice when eating it........ do you get the picture.

What stresses you out. I try not to stress out about the kids but I do every now and again, driving in the passenger seat with my husband I feel much safer when I am in control and at least I know I keep my eyes on the road where as he looks every other place but the road, childrens birthday parties LOL especially the sleep over ones with 6 hyperactive girls that won't go to SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!

If I could change the world I would hmmmmm... make it so there was no povety in the whole world - that everyone could be as priveledged to live in such a wonderful country like we live in Australia.

Your favourite household chore…. I hate housework especially when the kids can mess it all up in a matter of about 10 minutes, I relly have to get in the mood for housework but since I got all my new ENJO products I have been a cleaning machine and my house is sparkling!!

If you had fifty bucks to spend at Target which section would you head straight for…. Clothing section, Target have the best clothes.

In my next life I would like to come back as ….. probably ME, but this time I would have the heads up and I would do a much better job at being ME lol.

Your least favourite celebrity… I can't stand Jim Carey!

So now I think I have to tag someone so I'll tag Erica & Yvette. (thanks Tess that was Fun)