Well can you beleive it... on the weekend I decided that since hubby would be working all weekend that the kids and I would go and visit a friend (who lives 3 hours away) for a nice relaxing weekend of kids playing and Mum's scrapping... NOT!!! what was I thinking scrapping with 5 kids what a joke, I set myself a challenge of getting 4 pages done and only managed 1 and in between that we had several cuppa's, lots of cake, sorting out kids fights, blowing of snotty noses, taking kids to park and then on Saturday Night I ended up with a stomach ache and at Midnight Tahlia woke with a upset tummy and the spews!!!!!! AWWWW how do we cope???? So we spent most of Sunday recovering and then did the 3 hour trip home which wasn't so bad as the kids slept most of the way, but it was great to catch up with my friend and we are definately on the lookout for a SCRAPPING RETREAT without the kids (as much as we love them it's sometimes impossible to scrap with them especially 5 off them.) But I was happy with the one layout that I managed to achieve.
Chat again soon,
Raech :o)
Eeeww, sick kids eh? Know exactly where you care coming rom there Raech.
Pleased you go to see your friend and actually do 1 lo :) Love it btw.
TD xoxox
Now you know the BESTEST weekend retreat is SWIG, there's one even soon, in October!!! You HAVE to come!!! :)
Congrats on getting the new blog up and running! Looking great! Don't forget there's a lot of helpful info over at the forum to help with organising your blog, there's usually someone else who has asked the same question, had moments of despair LOL and then some clever cookie there has the right answer to help!
Love Chrissy xx
Hey Raech, neat idea this BLOGGING, great way of finding out info like WHEN IS THE NEXT AND NEAREST SCRAP RETREAT!!!! Anyone???
You should have done what I did and asked one of the kids to scrap for you. Tahlia contributed nicely to my four pages. Sneaky, but it worked. I have music for you.
A brave woman ideed who attempts to scrap with 5 kids lol....a scrapping retreat sounds like a good idea to me
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