Raechel's Ravings
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, January 04, 2009
I hope you had a Fantastic Christmas and New Year's we sure did!! We had a quite Christmas spent with us and some really awesome friends. We went to my Aunty's house on Christmas Eve and had a nice roast dinner and yummy trifle and christmas pudding and custard. Christmas morning saw us up at around the 6:30 mark which wasn't too bad, the girls were totally impressed with there Nintendo Wii with Guitar Hero and Sophie with her new bike, it was so hot here so the Nintendo keep us all entertained for hours and thank God for Air-Con!!! I'm not sure who got more enjoyment out of the Wii the kids or the parents lol :o) We had friends over Christmas night and the adults had a blast playing Ten Pin Bowling and Frisbee hehe.
It's been so long since I even blogged... I must admit I love going to other people's BLOG'S and checking out what they have been up to but seriously don't know if I should ever bother with the whole BLOG thing... so what do you think???? Does anyone out there ever visit me??
I will be back soon.............. MAYBE
Raechel xxx
Saturday, April 19, 2008
HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY SOPHIE, I can't beleive that my baby is 7 years old today!! Where did those years go? It sometimes seems like life goes so slow but then all of a sudden your kids seem all grown up, it seems like just yesterday that I was holding Sophie in my arms and here she is so big and Independent. We had a very eventful day with her sister waking her up @ 7am (I think she was more excited about the presents than Sophie) and she received some lovely presents and being the girl that she is I couldn't beleive that her favourite present was these gorgeous little pair of shoes, as soon as I spotted them I knew she would love them (which she hasn't taken off all day - even with the blister that it has made on her toe), Highschool Musical 2 DVD, some nice new clothes, a Bratz Lil Angelz, a Mystic Baby and some money from Grandma & Grandad which she brought a little kitchen set & Daddy brought her a pink fishing rod (she can be so girly one minute and such a tomboy the next). So we went shopping, had a nice time (man can my girls shop, my feet were so sore when we got home) then we had a little party @ home which she had one little friend over and a sleepover tonight, took them all out for lovely KFC for dinner tonight and then had to go to a meeting for the Relay for LIFE that I am doing this year to raise much needed funds for the CANCER FOUNDATION, so I baked a cake & we all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and enjoyed CAKE!! I hope you had a wonderful day Sweetie I know i had fun....
I love you Baby Girl, but please slow down with the growing up I would like you to be my baby for a few more years yet xxx

Thursday, April 10, 2008
... PANDORA ...
Who has a Pandora Braclet?? I had never really heard of them until my friend got one for her birthday and now that I know about them it seems like everyone has got one, it's very addictive though, my beautiful husband suprised me and brought me one for VALENTINES DAY and since then I have been trying to control myself and slowly buy the charms (yeah right). I got the beautiful Magenta Glass bead when we were away on holidays, it is so pretty.
I will share some more when it slowly fills up.
Take Care........... Raechel :o)
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
WOW..... It's been a long time
Since I BLOGGED...... actually everytime I went to post on Blogger it would lock up or not let me do what I wanted to do, so out of frustration I haven't bothered and then the other day when I thought I would try again..... I couldn't for the life of me remember my Password LOL :) But I finally worked it out and am back, so I will try and be abit more diligent in the world of Blogging, I know there are probably not alot of people out there who read my poor pathetic BLOG anyway but thought I would use it more for my own reference and see how I go.
So what has everyone been up to??? Well we have definately been kept busy here this year, starting with my oldest DD starting Highschool (let me tell you the first few weeks were a struggle with her getting used to the new workload and assignments man it never stops - I am so not prepared for this part of my life!!) then we had all the rain and we survived the flood with absolutly NO FLOOD damage to our place... PRAISE GOD but the amount of houses and people who lost almost everything is just devastating, just driving around was not nice seeing trailers of stuff just being taken to the dump and driving past houses with which looked like everything they owned on the front lawn. The weeks just seem to fly past and I can't beleive we just celebrated Easter and I am so looking forward to the holidays after this week!! And that we are in April already, my baby girl turns 7 this month!! eeeek where did that time go? I have been scrapping up a storm - not for myself but, one of my most cherished and beautiful friends Talia had a birthday back in February and since she is a working Mumma who hasn't scrapped since her boy was little I decided to do some scrapping for her... it was such a challenge since she has a little boy and I only have 3 girls it was so different to be scrapping a BOY! She was estatic with the result and I was very pleased that she loved it. I have also been busy making a quilt, one of my more experienced quilting friend helped me cut it out and helped me along the was so I will share some pictures when it is looking more like a quilt, I so love it the colors are just divine.
I have been slack with taking photos lately it feels like I haven't taken any in ages, but I haven't scrapped any of my own photo's for ages and I have so many to catch up on, but (doing a happy dance) I am going on a scrapping weekend soon............ YAY................. I am so looking forward to it, my friend Deb and I are going for a weekend away with the local scrapping shop at the end of April, which means between now and then I have to get organised....... hahaha can I do it!!! YES I think I will I so want to get some serious scrapping done so I am on a mission, I cleaned up my desk and supplies big time the other day so I know where everything is (well nearly everything).
Well I think that is it for me now.... so until next time.... take care....
Get Creative and Enjoy Life each and every moment.
Raechel xxx
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Mum Song
I saw this today on You Tube and thought it was to funny!! How on earth does she remember all those words, but it is just brilliant it's so accurate is so many ways LOL. Hope it makes you laugh like it did for me.
Raech :o)
Monday, September 24, 2007

Thanks for a the SMS'S that I had regarding Sophie your thoughts & prayers are very much appreciated.
Take Care whatever you are doing.
Raech :o)
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