A bad, bad, bad blogger.... it has been so long since I have blogged I wondered whether it was worth even worrying about but I have been reading so many other BLOG'S and I just love reading what other people have been up to, not that anyone would be interested in reading my everyday doing's so I thought I would just jot down a few things that have been happening here.
* We went water skiing with our friends for the day yesterday - we had a great time but as always we come home absolutely exhasted and even though I kept applying sunscreen & zinc to the girls faces/arms/legs/shoulders they are all still a little bit pink, and everyone except me, who sat in the boat observing all day has sore muscles - everyone has so much fun but I thnk I am getting old because I just don't seem to find putting myself through that fun anymore, just watching them flying behind the boat on the tubes gives me sore arms LOL and watching my hubby barefoot makes me wonder how the hell that can be fun!!!
* Gardening - the kids, hubby & I have spent the last week doing some gardens in our new house that we moved into 4 months ago, it is so good to be able to do what you want and put things where you want but boy it takes time and lots of sweat (in this lovely Queensland weather) and money... sometimes I can see why people buy established homes already, because I want everything to look perfect NOW, but the bank balance just doesn't like that LOL.
* All three girls are doing dancing this year & I am out everyday except Thursday taking them there, it never happens that they could all dance on the same day or at least 2 of them at the same day, but I don't mind it gets me organised and out of the house in the afternoon's.
* Madison got selected to be in the Jump Rope For Heart skipping team this year and man can they do some things with a skipping rope - they practice 2 days a week in the lunch break and then on Thursday afternoons from 3-4pm... I have stayed and watched a few times and I think I might get a skipping rope and join in LOL, it is great for them and keeps them so active... Madi is also doing Violin at school this year and she seems to be enjoying it except she forgot to go to her lesson last week!
* Tahlia is geting ready for Year 7 camp next week and she has had her bag packed for it for the last week... very organised little Miss... she has also been selected for the school Netball Team which I'm very pleased about, I have never been 100% into sports that much and because I'm not into it (I wish I just really loved some form of exercise - hopefully if I start doing it out of habit I will start to like it) I've noticed that I've never really got my kids involved in a sport (bad,bad, mother).
* Sophie started Grade 1 this year and I thought that I would have heaps of times to do whatever but it seems that I'm filling in my days very quickly, she was very eager the first week but when she realised that she has to go to school everyday except the weekend the novality soon wore off, but she has settled down now and likes going to school and is a very good reader and I am amazed at how quickly she has learnt the 6 new sight words she comes home with every week - they learn so much in Grade 1 I forgot how much a jump from Preschool to Grade 1 it is... she has made lots of little friends and all the little boys say that she's her Girlfriend LOL.
* Me I have unpacked 8 boxed recently (very proud of myself) and Steve hung up my quilt rack and I have finally got my quilt hung up again and all my crafty stuff hung around the place and it is starting to look so much homey... scrapping I haven't done any in a while but I will get to it soon, seems to be too much other stuff to be done ATM... I have started going to Water Aerobics with my Aunty everyweek and I'm really enjoying it I didn't think that your body would get much of a work out but its been great.
* We went to get our shed organised today only to be told it would be 4 months until someone can do it which was a bit disheartening but we want to get the shed down before we can decided how big the pool can be... man I can't wait to get that pool, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, I hope we can have it in before Christmas this year FINGERS CROSSED.
Well that's been about it I think, I
will try and be a better Blogger but I think my life is pretty boring and who would want to read about it anyway, so if youv'e gotten this far good on you.
Couldn't resist attaching a photo of my three lovelies on there first day back at school this year.
Catch Ya,
Raechel :)